Dragi prijatelji i ljubitelji maca i pasa! Molim Vas posjetite stranicu https://www.facebook.com/World-of-cats-and-dogs-102720505163143/?view_public_for=102720505163143&ref=page_internal i lajkajte ovu stranicu, videa, objave i fotke o kućnim ljubimcima (macama i psima). Stranica je tek u izgradnji pa će vaše konstruktivne kritike i komentari biti od velike koristi, kako bi ona bila po vašoj mjeri. Hvala Vam! |
This is a site for all pet adorers, and especially cat and dog fans. Please click on this link https://www.facebook.com/World-of-cats-and-dogs-102720505163143/?view_public_for=102720505163143&ref=page_internal and like this new page, videos, posts and photos of pets (cats and dogs). The site is still under construction, so your constructive criticism and honest comments will be of great importance, how it would be a page tailored to you. Thank you very much! |
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